My Weight Loss

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Minyak angin?

Dear all,
I just got back from Lam Wah Ee after visiting Basri?s 5th child, Tarmizi who is just 3 years old.
His condition has stabilised but he is still very much unconcious.
He has wires and tubes all over his little body which was also jittering spasmodically.
I was informed by the experts that they found traces of' OIL' in his urine & blood after performing various diagnostic measures.
This OIL has damaged his internal organs such as the Liver (causing it to enlarge and caused breathing difficulty), entered into his cerebral structure and possibly damaging his kidney too, etc.
What I would like to share with you is the reason WHY???
What was the CAUSE???
All this happened when he was having high fever and his' orang tua' rubbed a lot of' minyak angin' on his stomach to prevent him from' kena angin' .
I believe a lot of us have the tradisional understanding of doing so, including myself.
Well, you better STOP !!!
 The experts explained that this ?
will be easily absorbed into our blood especially in children as their skins are tender and allows maximum penetration.
Certain OILs contained harmful ingredients eg: methil silicilate and at high dosage, is a POISON to children and especially feotus.
The effect is worsen when we are sick and our liver has to work overtime to neutralise the toxins. The OIL may enter our blood when our liver fails to filter it. That?s when the problems start !!!
It may not be sufficient to kill an adult but for children, the result could be fatal.
This is NOT a joke !!! You may not believe this entirely but if you do, it is good to share with your relatives and friends.

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