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Saturday, February 21, 2009

What triggers migraine?

What triggers migraine ?
It is different for everyone.
Below are some of the more common triggers: -
Hormonal changes
This includes changes during puberty, menstruation,pregnancy, menopause, and changes due to birth control pills or HRT (hormone replacement therapy)
Changes in your daily schedule
Oversleeping, not getting enough sleep, skipping a meal, a rest after a hectic schedule
Particularly rapidly dropping barometric pressure, but also rising pressure, temperature or humidity. Walking into a headwind can trigger migraines in some.
Foods high in tyramine are believed to be among the worst migraine triggers. This would include things such as aged cheese and deli meats. There are many foods that could trigger migraine. Caffeine,chocolate, bananas,MSG (found in things such as canned stews, soya sauce, and powdered soups), and citrus fruits.
This could include cigarette smoke, perfumes, or fresh paint.Many other lists of triggers have been compiled.

Natural Migraine Treatment #6
It really is the wave of the future! Seriously though, just a little bit of exercise each day will be a great benefit to your health, and will help in reducing severity and frequency of your migraines. But, you do not need to become an absolute exercise junky. just do something every morning or afternoon. Try walking around your block as fast as you can.Lifting weights, as devious as it sounds, is also an excellent way to benefit your health, increase your metabolism etc.
If you were one of the lucky MigraineSolution customers to receive the "Strength Training" bonus e-Book, you will know all about it already!

Immidiate Relief Tip#5
Put a cold compress on your forehead and your feet in a container of warm water.