My Weight Loss

Sunday, February 19, 2012


by: A Singaporean
When someone gets diarrhoea, sometimes the solution is so easy, we wonder why anyone has to suffer.

 Of all the ingredients here, the most potent is Rice, but not in the usual form we eat it in, and neither would rice porridge work too well.

 The secret is in rice water.

 This is already known in this region. Ask your maids -- Sri Lankan, Indonesian, Filipina and they would know about it.
 My Malaysian relatives know about it.

 (My mother) knew about it.. When Dr Albert Winsemius came to Singapore for a farewell and thank you dinner in his honour, he brought along his wife Aly and his granddaughter, Jolijn. Both women ! came down with very bad gastroenteritis. They saw the doctor who gave them medication. It was slow to work.

 Mother boiled some rice in lots of water and went to their hotel with two 1.5L bottles of rice water.  I cringed in shame at the offer of this folk remedy, which seemed so primitive to me. Never heard of this cure before.  To my surprise, it worked, and they were even able to go out for dinner the next day. Both were exclaiming how the rice water did the trick of making them well again. Well, lucky it worked, I thought to myself.

 I was discussing this some years back with Kim Ng, the ex-matron of KK Hospital . She said, yes, that is what Professor Wong Hock Boon, the
 notable pediatrician teaches. I was shocked and made some comment how could he? It was common knowledge so what had he to do with it?

 Many months later, I regretted laughing at it.  Dr Christina Shanta Emman! uel, who is the CEO of...uh, which group I have forgotten, either National Health Group, or Polyclinics, or whatever.. regarded me seriously when I brought up the topic like it was good fun. She said that Prof Wong Hock Boon had presented a paper on it at some conference after he had done clinical trials.

 Then his results were published in the Lancet, the Medical Journal all doctors read. In fact, said Shanta, he was credited for saving the lives
 of 2 million African babies by this method.

 I am impressed.

 It is rice water and not rice, that does the trick. I have found it effective again and again. 


   You take a handful of rice and boil it in a large saucepan with lots of water. Like three or four large glasses. Then you cool that and drink the water. If you are in a hurry to relieve the ailing person, take the saucepan off the fire and dunk it in a frying pan or basin of cool water with ice cubes if necessary. This gives the patient a chance to drink the rice water sooner and cure himself or herself sooner.

 When drinking the rice water, make sure there is lots of it. You have to tell the patient that enough water must go in to line your guts from
 throat to other end, all 10 to 12 metres of it.  If you take rice, it stays in the stomach. If you take broth, some of it may go into the small intestine.
 ! ;But if you take rice water, it will carry rice grains to every inch o f your small and large intestine to the end where the problem is.

 How does it work? Even Prof Wong Hock Boon doesn't know. Read the article by going to this site:

 http://rehydrate. org/dd/dd06. htm#page2
 It is good to pass on the news to everyone you know because the complaint is so common and people suffer unnecessarily. You would be
 doing your friends a great favour to relieve them of their misery when the occasion arises.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

9 Things You Must Absolutely Do To Having Winning Relationships At Work:

9 Things You Must Absolutely Do To Having Winning Relationships At Work:

1. Act Like a Human

Organizations run by a closed group of executives hovering above in the "C - suite" are falling. Leading Without A Title, where everyone is a key player is the new way to win in business. This fresh method of leading means that leaders not only master the essential skills but also understand how to act human. You can't treat human beings like capital - you will lose your greatest talent. 

Acting human engages people - human engagement facilitates others towards their brilliance. A refreshing burst of humanity at the office outlasts and outshines the paycheck, the office with the view, or driving the company car. As the lights go out on the stage of old-school leadership, acting human is your game-changing solution. 

2. Be One of the Few Who Perfect the Endangered Craft

It's an amazing time to be alive. Revolutionary technological innovation to enhance our lives, freedom of choice to create the life you love, and the daily opportunity to choose from an endless list of beautiful rewards. Yet an insatiable hunger still lingers inside each one of us - the hunger to be heard. I'm talking about the transformative experience that happens when someone truly listens and totally gets where you are at. I'm talking about listening at the level you feel like the listener is hanging onto each one of your words like they are the most important words in the world.

The new leadership is all about relationships with people. And you can't relate without listening. It's impossible. Yet engaged listening is a craft rarely mastered by leaders. You can have the most competent leader in the world, but if he doesn't listen his leadership potential will go unrealized.

Feeding the hunger to be heard brings out the best in people. People will trust you, respect you and shatter their limitations for you when you give them the gift of listening.

3. Be Scarce

We tend to value that which is scarce. We put a premium on objects and experiences we believe will run out: a Limited edition Gucci Ronson sneaker, a two week showing of Michael Jackson's This Is It. Reserve wine. We are impacted and motivated most by that which we don't come across everyday or that which comes in a limited supply. If you are seeking to create long term loyalty in your business relationships, ask yourself what is noticeably scarce? Is it generosity? Authenticity? Encouragement? Spot the scarcity and rock it. 

4. Be the Most Positive Person in the Room 

Today there is perpetual buzz about the state of the economy, the shock of once-admired organizations collapsing before our eyes and the alarming daily rate of bankruptcy. Yes this is current reality however, focusing relentlessly on negativity is subscribing to failure.

Powerful leaders neutralize the infectious cycle of negativity; they deploy hope where it's seemingly forsaken. Enlisting yourself as the most positive person in the room breaks the binds of negativity. Change the music and people will either stop dancing or start dancing a new step. Either way, it will set a precedence - "negativity is what everybody else is doing - we are the organization that refuses its limitations. " Utilize the power of positivity to step up and make today better than yesterday.

5. Go Bigger than Your Paycheck 

Just when we thought Apple couldn't wow us anymore they showcased innovation with the iPad, the tablet computer. Amazing. You might not love the design but you have to love how Apple delivers surprise above and beyond. Have the audacity to go bigger than your role. If a colleague is struggling to meet a deadline or lagging in productivity, don't be the first to point out the deficiency, be the first to roll up your sleeves and do whatever it takes to help out. Knock the status quo "it's not my job" to its knees and do more than you are paid for.

6. Be the Perfect Investment

When it comes to your relationships, be a dream investment: low cost with exceptional high return. Prove to be a no gossip, no games, no regrets, no maintenance investment of other people's time and focus. Manage yourself with others at the highest level possible - a.k.a with grace.

7. Get Naked in Your Conversations

Make your conversations count. Speak with candor. Brave the real issue. Say only that which is helpful: don't use your words to criticize or divide. Anybody can do that. Be radically honest, define reality. Trust is born out of the truth. Sloganeering and masking the truth breeds mistrust and disrespect. Go to the difficult truths and people will go the mile with you.

8. Get Famous for Reliability

Next time a teammate or department is unexpectedly riding the wild rapids, be the person out in the water risking the rapids with them. Become known for acts of reliability.

Every single person needs to take ownership of the organization' s results. Everyone needs to take responsibility for what does or does not get accomplished in a day. Anyone can reach success if they consistently do the right things. Reliability, no matter what, is the right thing. Reliability translates into ownership and taking ownership is a way to present yourself as a leader.

9. Turn Everyone Into a Cover Story

Commit to noticing everyone. The young new associate in the elevator on Monday morning, the CFO's assistant, the receptionist, the customers, the interns... Remember everyone's contributions, what's important to her, what he does well, and what makes everyone smile. Everyone is worthy of being the next cover story and leaders show it.