My Weight Loss

Saturday, January 31, 2009

What causes Migraine?

What causes migraine?
Certain factors have been identified which can causes or trigger attacks in certain people:
- Stress or relief of stress
- Lack of food or infrequent meals.
- Certain food content, including products containing M.S.G., caffeine, tyramine or alcohol.
- Fatigue or overtiredness.
- Irregular sleep patterns - un-planned naps, shift workers.
- Hormone factors - monthly periods, the pill, HRT or the menopause.
- Extreme emotions - furious, grief etc.
- Physical activity.
- Surroundings factors - noisy, bright or flickering lights, strong perfumes, hot stuffy surroundings
- Climate - strong chill factor, extreme heat or cold.
It could be one or more triggers but when several factors happen at the same time then it can lead an attack.
The above facts could be helpful but being too obsessive might accelerate occurance.
We occasionally build-up the resistance over time but it could be your genes that make the attack more frequent or vulnarable.Women are likely to be sufferers than men as they have hormonal factors involve - periods, menopause etc

Natural Migraine Treatment Tip # 5

Ginger - Try it. When you're feeling nause or sick, try just sucking and chewing a thin slice of ginger. How about ginger tea with lots of honey. It's much nicer.

Immediate Relief Tip # 4
Put something cold on the back of your neck, such as a cold, wet cloth; or alternate hot and cold cloths where the pain is.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Types of Migraine

Types of migraines : Classic, Common, and Others

The Classic Migraine
Classic Migraine is often followed with 'aura'. Aura begins about half an hour before the actual pain begins. Most Aura are visual sensory illusions, such as jagged bands of light obscuring vision, shimmering light around the edges of objects, hearing and smell senses, could also be affected.
The Common Migraine
Common migraines are simply those without aura. About 20% of sufferers experience aura. Most people bypass the aura phase.
Rebound Headaches
Common occurance for rebound headaches are when pain medication are overused. The body become resistant to medication, so to be more effective, larger doses are required, leading to even increase resistance. This can result to more frequent or a worsening headaches. It is more likely to happen, if medication for treatment or prevention of headaches are used three or more times a week.
Other Types of Migraines
Ocular: During an ocular migraine, the blood vessels of the eyes, rather than those of the skull or brainstem, spasm and instead of pain, the sufferer becomes aware of lights in the peripheral vision. Often jagged and pastel colored in nature, the light disturbance intensifies, and enlarges until it is centered in the eye. Ocular migraines typically fade away after about fifteen to twenty minutes. Some people report a mild headache after this experience, while others simply feel fatigued.

Ophthalmoplegic: Like ocular migraines, an ophthalmoplegic migraine is centered in the eye. In this form, however, pain is definitely present, and is often accompanied by vomiting. As the headache progresses, the muscles responsible for eye movement are temporarily paralyzed, and the eyelid assumes a droopy appearance. The eyelid may remain droopy for weeks afterwards.

The Headache-Free Type: In this type, aura occurs without an actual headache. It only presents itself in individuals with a history of migraine attacks.
Basilar Artery: This specific type involves the basilar artery in the brainstem, and can cause pain, vertigo, speech and vision problems, and poor coordination. Children are more likely to experience this type than adults.

Carotidynia: Also known as "facial migraine," or "lower-half headache," this type causes pain in the jaw and neck regions. Depending on the individual, the pain may be dull and aching, or sharp and piercing, and is often accompanied by tenderness of the carotid artery. More common in the elderly population than other groups, carotidynia may last for hours, and often occurs more than once a week.
Status: This type is characterized by long-lasting and severe pain. The pain often lasts over three days, and hospitalization for pain relief may be necessary.

Natural Migraine Treatment tip #4

Get yourself some lavender oil and rub it on your temples (sides of your head!) This should help relieve some of the pain of your headache. It could als helped with the nausea.

Immediate Relief Tip #3
Avoid bright or flashing light.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

What are migraine symptoms?

What are migraine symptoms?
- recurrent attacks.
- headaches that are intense, throbbing or pounding pain.
- Pain T forehead, around the eye, the back of the head or one side of the head
- Nausea, vomiting, facial pallor, cold hands, cold feet and/or sensitivity to light and sound.
- Attack that lasts between 4 and 72 hours.
- Early warning symptoms lasting hours to days could be sleepiness, irritability, fatigue, depression or euphoria, yawning, and cravings for sweet or salty foods.
- Common auras :-
1) flashing, brightly colored lights in a zigzag pattern, usually starting in the middle of the visual field and progressing outward and
2) a hole (scotoma) in the visual field, also known as a blind spot.
3) A less common aura consists of pins-and-needles sensations in the hand and the arm on one side or pins-and-needles sensations around the mouth and the nose on the same side.
4) ther auras include auditory (hearing) hallucinations and abnormal tastes and smells.
- approximately 24 hours after a migraine attack, the migraine sufferer may feel drained of energy and may experience a low-grade headache along with sensitivity to light and sound.

Natrual Migraine Treatment Tip # 3
Dark Rest
Find a dark quiet place to lie down and close your eyes. Rest is the key to recovery here! It also can help enormously to put a cold (or warm if you prefer) cloth on your forehead.\
Let your family know that if you start suffering a migraine attack it is absolutely essential for them to be your slave for the next 24 - 48 - 72 hours.
Immediate Relief Tip #2
Lie down to rest in a dark room.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

How do you diagnosis migraine?

Hi all,
Greetings from Melaka.
I have arrange the blog from BASICS 101, Natural Treatment & Immediate Relief Tip including scenes from Melaka.
The gathering of info are all from the internet.
I am just easing migraineurs on searching or browsing.
Happy browsing.

How do diagnosis migraine?
- Your session disscussion with your doctor
- Physical examination
- History-taking by your doctor.
- For your diary - how often the occurance? Where the pain is? IIts duration?
- Llifestyle,diet, menstruation and medication usage.
- Blood tests to screen for thyroid disease, anemia or infections that could cause headaches.
Other diognosis using medical equipment : -
-Computed tomographic (CT) scans
- Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans may be needed to rule out serious brain disorders.
- If a brain aneurysm is suspected, an angiogram may be ordered.
- An electroencephalogram (EEG) may be done to measure brain activity.
- Thermography, an experimental technique for diagnosing headache.

Natural Treatment Tip #2
......Drink More Water!
Previously, we established the importance of staying hydrated if you are trying to cut down your migraine frequency and experience much less severe migraines.Today, I just wanted to emphasize how important step 1 really is AND I want to set you a challenge and say that, whatever amount you managed to drink yesterday, try to drink even MORE today and keep that amount as your regular daily amount.
To your health and hydration!

Immediate Relief Tip #1
1. Have a bath or shower.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

How do you recognize migraine pain?

Basics 101
2) How do you recognize migraine pain?
- Headache that last for days.
- Rapid mood swings
- Food disorders such as cravings or anorexia.
- Flashes of light, strobing effects or partial loss of vision.
- Speech disorder, partial numbness, double vision, ringing of the ears, and temporary paralysis.
- The throbbing or stabbing pain may occur on either or both sides of the head, and is usually associated with light sensitivity.
- Nausea, sensitivity to sound, and aural symptoms are also sometimes present . - You may feel exhausted, irritated and/or lack of concentration

Natrual Migraine Treatment Tip#1
1) "Drink plenty of water!"
Hydration is paramount in the prevention of headaches and migraines. And, although not a whole lot is known about the nature of migraines and their onset, it is a well known fact that many headaches can originate from dehydration.It's no surprise really when you think about how much water our bodies use everyday!
source from