My Weight Loss

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Is there a cure for Migraine?

Is there a cure for migraine?
There is yet, a miracle cure for migraine but possible to bring your condition under control.
Although, a wide range of treatments are available but migraine is a complex condition and a treatment success, vary form one person to another.
Your Migraine journal or diary will be helpful at this stage at identifying wht really works for you or what were the triggers factor.
Your doctor and your pharmacist are important allies in your battle against migraine and their advice and support can be invaluable.
Simple pain killers purchased from the chemist, can be very effective, especially if taken very early in the attack. It is important to take pain killers quickly as, during an attack, gastric stasis can occur and medication cannot then be absorbed from the gut into the blood stream. Pain killers taken in soluble form or tablets taken with a sweet fizzy drink can start to work more quickly.
Nausea and vomiting painkillers can be combined with an anti-sickness ingredient.
Ergotamine can be effective and helpful but be carfeul as it has addictive potential.
There are also drugs which act directly to correct the serotonin imbalance in the brain.
These are available on prescription only and are not suitable for all patients.
For frequent attcks, your doctor may prescribe preventative medication which you will need to take every day.
Non drug treatments and self help measures can also be very beneficial:
Relaxation can be extremely beneficial in preventing attacks or coping with the pain.
Eat regularly to keep blood sugar levels stable (no longer than 3 hours between food during the day or 12 hours overnight).
Try other Natural Migraine Treatment form the past blog posting.

Natural Migraine Treatment Tip # 8
Chiropractic treatment

Immediate Relief Tip # 8
Massage your own face, head, neck and shoulders, or get someone else to do those and your back. Relax your muscles.

Questnet Bio-Disc - Wellness Tool - F.A.Q.

What is Bio Disc?
The Bio Disc is a natural energy generating device. The energy created specifically rejuvenates molecular structures in all liquids. The molecular structure causes any liquid to become more hydratious, taste better and extend shelf life. Placed in a fridge the Bio Discs’ energy frequency permeates the fridge, all liquids, meat and fruit will taste better and have extended shelf lives. The renewed molecular chains are similar to those found in healthy natural spring water. Like fruit and vegetables the body slowly also loses molecular chains as we age they can be reenergised at a molecular level to provide energy, using the Bio Disc.
The hydratious nature of water is important to wellness, molecular structured water carries improved oxygen flow to the blood, assists in detoxification of free radicals, improves liver detoxification, improves nutrient take up by the body. The natural energy of the disk improves sleep patterns, when placed under the bed, improves the positive chi energy of the body, when worn or carried in a bag. It has also been known to remove pain when the suns rays are reflected through it.
for more information or purchase, visit -

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